precursor: this post will include a week of happenings...and is also quite photo-heavy (that's nice that I warn you, right??)
The lovely Don had arranged for a necklace to be custom made for me. It's so beautiful!! I love the '90s and very few things say nineties more than name necklaces. It's extremely classy and I wear it a lot more than I would've ever suspected. Plus it comes in this darling little box that looks like it belongs in a bakery shop window.
Lately I've been feeling very lazy with how I look....but not lazy enough to go out without putting on makeup and stringing a few necklaces around my neck. (Okay, maybe laid back is a better word than lazy?) I've been waking up in the morning and just knowing how I want to look or what I want to wear.
When I wore this on Friday, a boy in my creative writing discussion told me that he "really likes my style" which was a wonderful compliment but I was so flattered that I didn't know what to I just gave an awkward laugh and said thanks. I get so shy's not that I'm unfriendly or stuck up, I just get really really shy. So if you ever encounter me & I don't say much, you know why!! So on that note, sorry to the girl in the H&M lingerie section....