I have to put it out there that I love The Byrds & they're sense of style. Shiny shiny hair, sunglasses indoors, lots of suede and turtlenecks, the pudgy one in a poncho. Seriously, every photo he's in, that kid is wearing a poncho. It must be his safety poncho or something. Upon closer inspection, it appears to be green leather? Oh bad news, the one he wears in the video appears to be an entirely different from the green & brown suede one he wears in the below photos. He reminds me of Frodo Baggins or some other hobbit lost in the '60s. I still like they're fashion. Ponchos can be good.
They're really quite a good band, too. I'm not such of a fan of their later country stuff (aka all of their albums that I have on vinyl), but their folk rock is quite good. They made "Turn! Turn! Turn!" iconic, despite the fact that it is from the bible originally (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) & they didn't even put it to music.

P.S. here is a photo of the little one not in his poncho. He still looks like a hobbit. (Why couldn't I pick on the one who always wears sunglasses - clearly thinking that he is all that because of it?)
haha, you are so right! he does look like a hobbit...mostly because of the poncho...he reminds me of frodo's friend...sam?
pls embrace their country stuff.
sweetheart of the rodeo, come on!
This is great
Ponchos and sunglases-2 of my favourite things hurrah!
I do like that song. So strange how they make him wear that poncho...I guess we all need to have a signature.
I love that song. :)
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