Chadwick Tyler is such a phenomenal photographer. His series of photos done with Supreme Models Agency is especially wonderful (though somewhat haunting, as all the models are gaunt and sickly looking). This photo above, combined with the photo Tyler took of Cecilia Mendez (below), inspired my most recent photographed outfit.

Although I don't have their totally kickin' white cowboy boots (or 5'9", size 00 bodies), I decided to drag out my own boots which I bought some many years ago from the sales rack in the kid's section of Marshall Field's (R.I.P.). Since then they've been worn probably about 5 times and (at a size 3) are getting too small for my feet! So now I whip them out at every opportunity I get.

Anyways, today I signed up for classes at the college I'm going to next year. I'm still in high school (a junior) but I'm taking college courses instead. I'll be taking karate (required phy. ed. credit), photography (film!), US history (requirement for graduation), and French. So basically only two classes that will fill requirements. Haha! That means next semester I'll be taking biology, geography, english, and math. Oy vey.
I am loving the boots!
Aww you look so cute.
Hehe, just wondering, how tall are you?
I second that last question!
I definitely think the boots and shorts are working for you :) Love the short hair!
I love your short girl
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