Thursday, February 23, 2012

computer crash

Hello everyone! I'm sorry it's been so long since an update, but my computer crashed. I'm bringing it in tomorrow, so hopefully the blog can get back on its feet and fast! Expect to see some changes coming up in the blog for 2012, I'm really excited and I hope you all will be as well! And now, so I don't leave you with nothing, I'll leave you with a poem:

There's something romantic
about sitting in the same seat
on the bus
And another stranger sits in his...
same seat

And I'll never love any man so much as those
strangers' faces
passing in the train windows
heading the other direction
How many of these strangers I've loved
I'll never know
But my heart is in a million pieces
for each of these passing expressions
You could pile the pieces up in your palm
and blow
them all over,
touching a million faces and kissing
A million strangers, not so strange

And there's something romantic
about a man who limps
with a skip in his step
Or a woman
whose scar smile makes her
forever happy, or so it seems
to all those strangers who will never know the truth

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

good morning little school girl

Hello everyone! I hope that you all had a great Valentine's Day (it's my second favourite holiday!) and that February is off to a great start. And if it isn't...well, it's half way over!

So far, for me, February has not been very good. I'm stressed about school to no end and have started having nervous breakdowns, which is startling since I haven't had one in a couple of years. Furthermore, my boyfriend dumped me yesterday! I now know how it feels to be dumped by someone who you think you'll be spending the rest of your life with, and it does not feel very all. But, as with all break ups, I'm trying to keep my head up and have some hope.

I have a "thing" that I do everytime I get dumped by a boy. I am so stubborn that I refuse to let him be the major change in my life. It's unfair to change everything around for a boy, so I find something in my life that I can change. In my case, it is school.

As I mentioned, school has been killing me lately...I try to hide personal things in my life that have been concerning me, especially on the Internet. I do not care for my personal business to be out in the open. But with this, I feel strongly about it and I feel like there will be a positive outcome from it. And maybe people will listen and feel inspired to make their own change.

Last fall I started school for fashion design. I was 18, bubbly, cheerful, seemingly undeterred, finally at a healthy weight and also, finally, in a healthy relationship. But, as I quickly found out, design school is not meant for people like me...people who have souls, who feel positive emotions, who love and enjoy the little things in life.

My major immediately suffocated me. I wasn't able to do the things I loved. I was around people who I couldn't relate to. I was working less (and working does make me happy, to be honest) and spent every bit of myself pouring over colour assignments or hunched over my sewing machine. I quickly became stressed and moody. I lost 10 pounds over the first month or so, which caused me great concern and also more stress. I snapped at people I loved and let myself get torn up over B's (and a B isn't even a bad grade!). was my 4th major and I was tired of changing my mind. I realised, I'm going to be in college for the rest of my life if I didn't make up my mind. I was already looking at 6 years just to get this one degree! I had convinced myself that I wanted to be in fashion, and this was the way to do it.

When I started having panic attacks this semester (they're scary and you can't really breathe or cry or anything), I realised that this wasn't going to work. Three and a half more years of this would turn me into a zombie. I'm not made for this, it gives me no joy and little pleasure. And so, I've already started talking to some very important people in my life (as well as some aquaintances) about making a change in my education and I'm already feeling better about it. After I meet with my advisor, I'll have a better idea of it all but for now, I'll be switching to communications with a French and design minor. This is a change I feel good about, and I'm happy to have made it myself!

Maybe this was a bit for myself, but I hope it encouraged you to make a change for yourself, too. It's absolutely silly to let anyone else do the changing in your own life. Take charge and make things better! You only have yourself to blame if you're unhappy about life.

p.s. I hope this doesn't make this whole post sound like a sale pitch, but don't forget about Buy My Stuff! I've been altering some of the prices and I believe that they're agreeable. I still have more stuff to add, as well.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Who's that little guy? "Charlie Chaplin!"

Good afternoon! I finally have a new outfit's been a while, hasn't it been? Boy, I've been busy with school but also trying to balance it with some fun and some money making here and there. This weekend will have me awfully busy but somehow I'm still enjoying myself. I suppose the thought of summer is keeping me going. Summer means staying out late and the sun on my face. Summer brings lovers together again and makes kids out of winter-weary adults. But in the meantime, it's still winter and horribly cold out today. I barely managed any photos today because I was simply uncomfortable and shivering like mad!

This outfit all came together from the bowler hat. I put it on and everything else just fell together. Inspiration came from that funny little guy...the Little Tramp...Charlie Chaplin...that man on my leg! Yes, I got a tattoo....of Sir Chaplin himself!

I got this done on a bit of a whim last month. Ha! That makes me sound like such a flake...I'd been thinking about this tattoo idea for about a year and what I mean by "on a whim" is that I thought I'd do it in a couple years...but I was bored and wanted to do something spontaneous. So I went into the tattoo shop with my best friend (she's the flake, who didn't get one!) and the guy inside drew it up and inked my skin the next week. For lack of more charismatic words, it's fucking awesome. I get loads of compliments on it (and occasionally truck loads of guys rolling down their windows in below freezing weather to ask me if it's real) and I'm still so shocked that it's there! A good way to start out 2012, I think?

For those in the Twin Cities, MN who're wondering where I got it done, it was at 7th Street Tattoo by a boy named Spencer (who's obviously very good at what he does)!

Anyways, so back to this outfit....inspired by Charlie himself! I put the bowler on and from there threw this together. It's sort of reminiscent of this outfit from over two years ago (boy, time flies!) which was also was inspired by Charlie Chaplin, but also Fred Astaire.

In today's outfit, I also incorporated a bow tie and a fitted blazer. To make it more feminine and to not make the clip on bow tie look so odd, I added this double strand which was my grandmother's.

Anyways, that is all! I'm off to a sale with an old friend who I haven't seen since autumn, so that should be fun! I still have some items up for sale (and more to come...if I quit being so lazy!) over at the subsite Buy My Stuff! Keep warm and take care little ones! More soon xx

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Buy My Stuff!

A long long long time ago I said that I was cleaning out my closets & would be selling some stuff. After tinkering around on eBay for a while and not being able to figure it out, I've decided to set up shop on blogspot. I've began posting some goods on a subsite, Buy My Stuff!. Everything will be through PayPal, and currently shipping is a flat rate of $3 for everything within the US. Email me for inquiries & haggling.

Buy My Stuff!

More will be coming within the next few days!