Sunday, November 18, 2012

Where are you going, where have you been?

Semester slump is in full swing. There's something like 16 days left of classes and I am already pretending to myself that I am on winter break with no repsonsibilities, no exams, no presentations or homework or essays. It's extremely foolish of me, but I'm restless and annoyingly anxious to be done with this horrid semester.
Instead of focusing on the here and now, I am constantly caught up in my past and my future. I think often on semesters past, summer memories, prior trips I've taken, funny things that friends have said to me, when the next snowfall will be, with whom I will fall in love next, what cities I will visit in the coming months or years, and all sorts of foolish little things that keep me distracted from what needs to be done. It's probably a huge part of why I've fallen behind on blogging, actually. I spend too much time sitting in class daydreaming and then getting home and moping around feeling sorry for myself and wishing for the future to happen sooner.
Before break starts I have: one speech, one quiz, one script to write, four essays, two tests, two final exams, one film production, two more novels to read, and three presentations. Aye yi yi...everything creeps up fast! I better get a lot of this done over Thanksgiving break (between working 20 hours over two days and commencing with my Christmas celebrating).
I'm getting to the point where I'm a bit sick of everything in my closet (clean out time!) and so I went back to this H&M skirt which I haven't worn in ages but which I love (despite the static cling due to dry air). Before getting dressed this morning, I was reminded of a horrendous thing that happened to me when I wore stay ups & a garter to church once (read: half the congregation was exposed to what lay underneath my dress), so I went with these polka dot tights. All of my plain sheer tights have horrible runs in them and I like to try to keep in classy at church. Polka dots are classy.
I was also wearing this scarf which I found at a garage sale over the summer for $1. It is of different monuments in London (if you're blind and cannot tell by the photo). Even though London was my least favourite city that I've visited in Europe, this scarf had a definite charm to it (which London lacked). I'd love to go back to the city another time, when I'm not burnt out on backpacking and when it isn't peak tourist season. I swear, all of Europe is 1000x worse during tourist season. That said, you know you live in a (somewhat) boring town when there is no difference between tourist & non-tourist season. Welcome to Saint Paul, Minnesota. Oh well, I like it here. A lot better than London.
This brings me to my next point: study abroad! I'm still dreaming about studying abroad. I have my keen eye on Copenhagen for fall semester. It is probably the most expensive programme that my university even offers, but it also seems like the best fit (other than financially) for me. I keep my fingers continuously crossed that I can afford it. Denmark just looks so romantic and beautiful - a perfect mix between modern and rustic - and also very green, which I like.
I'm still so distraught that in America, our government would rather tear up the land in search of oil than invest in wind or solar energy. I remember when I was in Munich, I was so impressed by how everyone had solar panels on their rooves. I wish that Americans had the same outlook on keeping a healthy planet, even if it means making sacrifices in the types of vehicles they drive.
I also have my fingers crossed for study abroad in Paris for May Term and also for a summer internship. I really need to start learning about what is out there! There's so much to do, so much to see...
Well, I guess I have postponed my studies for long enough! I've been listening to Christmas music all day and have finally gotten around to starting a Christmas Cheer board on Pinterest. I seriously don't know why it took so long for me to do that...
And now, the homework must commence! xx


Meli said...

I love the skirt! And good luck with the study abroad planning- it's so much work, but hopefully it's all worth it! I'm going to spain for next semester and am absolutely terrified and excited

MILEX said...

Love it from head to toe

Morgan said...

I just love your outfit. It's very classy and retro.
I also LOVE the short story Where are you going? Where have you been?

Jamie Rose said...

You have no idea how similarly I feel to your sentiments about this semester. I'm so done. At least you're still young in school though so you still have plenty of time for internships and studying abroad. I'm past that stage and never really did anything fun or outside of normal classes and I sort of regret it already. Ugh. Anyway, I really love this outfit. Your sweater is perfectly classic and I think I need one like that. The skirt is super cute with your polka dot tights too.

Chloe said...

Your outfit is so cute, especially the scarf :) Good luck with all your work, I'm struggling with that too...
