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little red

Excuse the awful awful hair! It's my day off from life (no work or class!) & I didn't have any reason to be overly concerned about the state of it. Or anything else.

I finished sewing this cape this morning. I designed it myself because I couldn't find a pattern I liked. The arm slits were the finishing touch and now I can wear it all I want.
Being new to sewing & pattern making, I'm still learning as I go and so, next time I make something similar, I will: make the hood slightly bigger, choose either a drawstring or a collar (this is simply gathered), and add a lining. I was so silly not to put a lining in!

Now that the cape is done, I'm not sure what to do next! I think I'll make my dog a coat. Yes, I know, I'm such a nice puppy owner. Especially since he puts runs in all my tights & never lets me eat in peace!

Underneath, I'm wearing my black work sweater with a black slip over it. The slip has the most pretty hem to it, I wish I'd thought to take a picture of it.
As far as school goes, I'm not enjoying it. School is dumb, I'd rather be watching Cary Grant movies! But I guess it has to be done. Hopefully I'll reach a mid-semester-zen. I've found that I've reached a calming zen-mode about work, in which I don't care where I'm placed, when I get break, or any of the such. I'll just go to work, finish my shift, and be completely calm and happy about the whole ordeal. I hope this isn't one of those temporary zens. I like it, I want it to stay!
Ooooh, I got a package just now! Two new pairs of shoes. I can't wait to introduce these babies to the rest of my wardobe. But first, I should be responsible and do my classwork.
shoes - vintage Donald J Pliner; socks - DSW; tights - ModCloth; slip - Heritage 1981; sweater - second hand; belt - H&M; cape - made by me
Love the blog! Love the photos!
You have an awesome sense of style!
The cape is gorgeous!! I can't believe you made that! You look stunning in it - red is a great color on you. And your hair is definitely not a mess, I love it!
Um, that is by far the most beautiful cape in the entire world. For serious- major kudos for producing something so epically awesome. Now quit reading comments and go do homework. :)
That cap is so amazing! I am very impressed by your sewing skills. I want one.
Beautiful outfit! You are quite talented. xoxo
Red riding hood! Your hair is so lovely, I wish for curls. x hivennn. p.s enter my jeffrey campbell giveaway?
Lovely!:) Love the bright statement color and the details in your style... - so cool, ~ xoxo
I'm proud. Whenever I have off school/work, not only do I skimp on my hair, but makeup? Forget it.
You did a lovely job on this cape-- I especially love the black detail in the front. If you neeeeed a task, you are more than welcome to make me one.. but not my pup. He actually ate my tights. That's right, gobbled them up.
I hope your zen-like state is here to stay and I hope that it finds you at work. I'm hoping for it myself, at least until spring arrives.
Have a lovely week darling!
ps: Red lipstick. Enough said. :)
Hey! I've been looking for a cape like this for the past 2 years or so... Haven't found one and searched for it on etsy and ebay..!!
I love it its soo beautiful, would you think of selling it or making another one and selling it?
If you are, I am totally open to having it as it is perfect.
Please send me an email :D
thanks, amazing work!
WOW! Can't believe you made this yourself, great job! This cape looks beautiful! Nothing but beautiful! You say you're new to sewing. I say you're talented!
And I love the red lips with this look!
I'm totally stunned right now haha :)
If that's awful hair, I don't stand a snowball's chance in hell ;) And I'm amazed you made that cape yourself - very cool!
OMG great cape! Very cute and original! You look awesome!:)
i'm so impressed! i can long as it's a straight line and the thread is already in the machine. looks beautiful!
-brittney (my daily outfit blog; come on by if you'd like!)
Ah, you are so talented! I love the cape and red is such a gorgeous color on you. I wish I had more time for sewing, but it doesn't look like I will until summer, blah.
I love red cape! Looks great on you!
What an amazing cape! Well done, it looks perfect! I love how you wear the hood up with all your curls peeking out! x Sushi
At the cost of sounding like a total creeper, I've been following your blog, for like, ever.
No joke.
But back then I was uncool and I didn't have a blog, so I follow you via bloglovin.
I just spent about 10 minutes figuring out how to follow you on the blog thing.
I still haven't got it :\
Your blog was like, the first one I started reading, so needless to say, I felt prettty cool when you commented :D
We're gonna start posting more so if you follow it'd be easier to read them. HINTHINTHINT :)
Anyways, thankyou so much for the comment. It made us smile :)
The cape is appropriate considering your super powers in sewing. This seriously blew my mind. You could definitely sell those!
wow! that cape is like my dream <3
really awesome job, love it!
I adore entire look.
kisses ;]
your cape is absolutely amazing and i am so proud of you for making it yourself! i bought a cape pattern too off etsy as i just couldn't find one i liked, am waiting for our fabric shops to stock some winter material so i can get started :) may i say that the drawstring collar looks extremely cute !
this is so lovely! That red is such a gorgeous colour, and it brings out your eyes quite a bit :)
You look like lil red riding hood! So so cute! I adore you.
How lovely! <3
That is a seriously beautiful creation, and although it really suits you and speaks volumes about your personal style, it's versatile and so many women would love to own a piece like this, you have real earning potential.
this cape is wonderful!
your red cape is adorable...i wish i had the patience to sew!!
This is so great in every single way!!!
Oh, the cape of Red Riding Hood ...
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